Saturday, February 13, 2010

Things I Heart

Can't stop thinkin' about tomorrow...and who and what I love.   

The beginnings of my list:

the smell of new books

red roses

warm sun on my back

little boys

little girls

funny people

little kids speaking Spanish

a good haircut

a warm shower

a comfortable bed

road trips

a clean car

my family

folded towels

shiny windows

the scent of carnations

bean and cheese burritos

clean sheets

ironed pillow cases


blog comments


the smell of leather

mint fields

a pine-scented forest after rain



starry skies


thunder storms



falling snow

restful sleep

a good challenge

the smell of fresh-cut grass

my job

good neighbors


50's music

dark cherry chocolates

fancy restaurants you can wear jeans in


new shoes

creativity developed and shared

homemade noodles


people's individualism

a good novel

warm feet

chewing gum


learning new stuff

cute umbrellas



waking up at 6 a.m. to breathing in my face and "Gwamma, are you awake?"

fresh herbs and the smell of thyme

driving across the Blue Mountains

the ocean

train rides

getting off the airplane

pretty driver license pictures (never had one)


the end of a workout session

babies' smells and soft skin

clean teeth

cousins' dinners

family reunions

the end of a workout



rosemary topiaries

fresh tomatoes

designer fabrics

a good cry

chips and salsa

hearty back scratches

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ground Hog's Day - 1987

Are you ready to celebrate another birthday on this blog already?
Alrighty, then.  Some tidbits for you.

She made lists to plan her parties.  Lists of invitees.  Lists of presents.  Lists of games to play.  Lists of party favors.  Weeks before the actual day.
But first.....May I re-turn (la, la, la, la) to the be-gin-ning?

IN the beginning,
while we awaited her entrance into the world, the OB/GYN called in the stork team:  about five specialists who stood waiting to take her away the minute her head peeked out.  The only positive sign she gave them was a heartbeat.  So for five extra days after her mother was discharged from the hospital, she had to stay.  And her mother made trips back and forth to feed her.

Hospital gown, fashionable IV and ankle bracelets = evidence that this girl was destined for future employment at... Nordstrom?

Her mother was especially good with a camera even back then.  
Who can find the baby?

 She potty trained herself when she was three.  She's five in this picture. 
I just threw that in.

 Watch her grow into her two front teeth. 

See?  Growing, growing. 

 Almost there.
 She has arrived.
You light up my life.