Saturday, July 17, 2010


If you're eating almonds out of one hand and you have an extra-strength Excedrin in the other, try to remember which hand holds which so you don't pop the pill in your mouth and chew it like a nut. 


Sherry Carpet said...

ewwwwww! that's when you need a DC chaser.

Natalie said...

LOL! Done that! Hey they source for that T-shirt quilt is

Meg said...

YUCK! I have totally done this before. You know pretty quick, though, when you have popped the wrong one!

Nicea said...

Sherry: headed out right now to get that DC chaser. Brilliant idea.
Natalie: thanks for the source. Now, what about that new favorite dessert of yours? Something pudding something something? Email me.
Megara: Yeah, the knowledge is instantaneous--and NOT reversible.

Jana Brookes said...

Well I hope your headache went away!

Shawn said...

YUCK, YUCK, YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! Why don't you just go run your nails along a chalkboard while you're at it. Thanks for the advice.

Lola said...

mmmmm...i bet all was forgotten when that little sucker kicked in, though!

love me some ES Excedrin...

annie said...

once, when i was 8 and got a headache at the air and space museum in dc, i had to chew an extra strength tylenol. i still remember how nasty that was. i was caffeine-free at the time, so i had a water chaser. not as effective.