Thursday, February 5, 2009

22 - Revisited three days later in an attempt to add some pictures that went on all kooky so I tried to delete them but deleted the whole post by

mistake so I had to try to recreate the post. (Did you know there is a limit to the number of characters you can put in a title?)

Dateline February 2.

To all you new mommies and daddies out there who are posting your babies' pictures, and to everyone else who knows her, I just want to announce that my baby turned 22 today. Not 22 weeks. Not 22 months. But 22 years! And she still likes to sit on my lap.

If it weren't for her, I'd be baby hungry, too.

She had a rocky start. The docs said that all she had was a heartbeat, so the stork team was standing by when she made her entrance into the world. She had to stay at the hospital for a whole week before we could bring her home, but she's never been back. And now she wants to be a nurse.

She makes me laugh.

She calls me all the time just to check up on me.

She likes to shop. Sometimes she calls me to ask if I want to give her purchases to her for her birthday. Or Christmas. Or Tuesday.

She has many, many friends whom she treats like members of our family. I know because it's usually just family members who walk into their parents' bedroom late at night, right? Well, sometimes I'd wake up and there would be my baby and her high school friends looking down at me. In my PJ's. Right there in my bed. Snoring, no doubt. And probably with drool on my face. But it's all okay now because they're in college and they don't do that any more.

She still treats them like members of the family.

Like one time when she was on a trip to CA, she left her Jeep in our garage. I was home alone. I heard our garage door open, then I heard her Jeep start up. The next thing I heard was the garage door closing again. It's a mystery, I thought to myself. So this time I called her. The Jeep came right back. I insisted that she insist. It was one of those family members I hadn't given birth to.

Last October when the Professor and I took her to St. George with us, she let her roommate, a.k.a., Another Person to Whom I Did Not Give Birth, borrow her car for the weekend. It wasn't a very bad accident. But there were repairs required. On our insurance.

She is sooooo much fun to know. And to be around.

She's a wonderful daughter and I love her.

Happy Birthday, Manda Suzi! And many more.


Nicea said...

If you commented on this post before it was so rudely deleted, I would love it if you would comment again.

Nicea said...

Mostly for Amanda's sake.

Nicea said...

Huh hum. I'm waiting. Quite patiently, I might add.

Nicea said...

Here, I'll start you off in case you're a little shy about what to say:

Hi, Nicea. I feel your pain. Three point five hours is a long time to have spent searching through photo albums for just the right shots, scanning them, then editing and posting them only to have nothing to show for the effort in the end. And how sad Amanda might feel if she were to look on your blog again and see that you deleted her.

Well, not her, exactly.

But you get my meaning.

Amanda: Happy Birthday, dear.

Nicea said...

Happy Birthday, Amanda! Don't be too hard on your mom. She means well. Don't tell her I said this, but it's really hard for older folks. They just don't get it.

The technology, I mean.

Anyway, I hear you're not celebrating your b-day with your parents until Saturday. So this greeting really isn't so belated.

Nicea said...

Hey, Neesh. I just want you to know that you're not the only one having trouble with photo posting. I would never accuse you of this, but some people's computer rooms are so messy that it inhibits their ability to think clearly.

Seriously, if they'd just empty out the clutter.

Nicea said...

Oh, P.S. from me (I'm the commenter immediately before this one and I almost forgot the reason for this whole post): Happy Birthday, Amanda.

Nicea said...

Amanda, your mom's a doll. Not a Barbie, just a doll.

In the Cabbage Patch sense of the word. You can't help but love her, in spite of her flaws.

Happy Birthday, Sweetie.

Nicea said...

So, I hope this helped get your juices flowing everyone. Looking forward to your comments.


Nicea said...

Or, re-comments, as the case may be.

Shawn said...

You crack me up! Happy Birthday, Amanda! I love you and I'm glad you turned out well in spite of your mother having a slight handicap when it comes to adding pics to her blog. But alas, we all must have a flaw or two. And she really is a doll. And so are you.

Tyler and Jenica said...

Ha ha this cracks me up Aunt Necia! I miss you!! I don't see you enough :( Well, I'm glad I got to take Amanda to lunch for her birthday. It has been so much fun to spend so much time with her since I got to Utah almost four years ago. I love her and I love you :)

Jamie said...

I love Nicea and Amanda. They both make me laugh. In a good way.

Happy belated birthday again, Manda!

Tyler and Jenica said...

Yes, I did know Fred was at Notre Dame this semester because Amanda told me when we were at lunch a few weeks ago! That's really cool. Is he testing it out and then you'll move there, or is it just for a semester for a cool experience?

Yes, we should all go to lunch when my mom comes next! She'll be here for my graduation in April, so we'll have to have a fun visit. I miss you!!!

Nicea said...

Jenica - Hi, niecey! No, Fred isn't testing out Notre Dame this time, although some of his visiting professorships have been for that purpose. This one is just to get a fresh view of students from another university. He needed a change of venue for awhile. He says South Bend is too cold.