We'll start on Monday, February 23 and go from Monday through Sunday every week.
After weighing in on Sundays, email me your weekly results (see chart when it comes in your email) and I'll keep a running total of everyone's progress.
Write your $25 check to me and mail it to me, postmarked no later than March 1. Does that work for everyone? (If you need my address, request it in the comments section below and I'll email it to you.)
When I send you the progress chart (in the next day or two), you can send me, via return email, your current weight and your weight loss goal, i.e., how many pounds you want to lose by June 7.
I made some additional comments on one or two of my previous three posts, but right now I can't remember which ones, so if you have time, there's a little additional information there.
Any suggestions or ideas, let me know.
Current participants: Megara, JanaBrookes, Nicea, Annie, Shawn, Jaime Escalante (points only, not weight), Amanda,The Professor (weight only, not points), Kevin, James in Pink, Princess Consuela, Banana Hammock, Sherry Carpet, COY, and B-Hal.
Did I miss anyone? Jenica, if you see this, tell your dad. He might want to play, too. Jana, would your mom want in? Or your dad? (I know your dad already walks half way around California every day anyway, doesn't he?) I wonder if The Professor wants to do this. Hmmm. I'll ask him. He's returning from Notre Dame tonight to celebrate George Washington's birthday this weekend.
Remember, you set your own weight loss goal. Every pound lost makes YOU a bigger
Not to brag, but I've lost 6.75* pounds in two weeks. I won't mention weight loss again. I promise. Unless you ask. But aren't you more motivated now?
*The bad news is that it doesn't show yet.
I want to play! Will you email me the point sheet? jbgeebers at gmail dot com
Yessirree. And I'll put you on the list! Top o' the mornin' to ye.
Eww. I really don't want you to have to see my weight. Oh well. I don't know about my mom and dad, but I'll ask.
I'll have you know, I have gone 2 1/2 days without any soda!! And that was even including have 2 1/2 migraines and I really wanted to wash down my excedrin with a dp, but I DIDN'T. I just wish I had my treadmill already.
So did you already mention when we send in our $25 dollars to you. I think I'll ask James if he wants to participate as well, since we are sort of trying to both help each other anyway.
I aspire to being such a LOSER!
I'm sure it shows, just not to you. Thanks for sending the point sheet, Brian and I both want to do it! Fantasmic idea Annie! I love that you call Fred The Professor. Does that make you Mrs. Howell? Or maybe Maryanne or Ginger?
Oh, I was also going to say, I think the professor might be coming home to celebrate somebody else b-day, not George's. Maybe somebody who shares it with George! Have fun! :)
Jana: Your aspirations are most admirable. May you succeed with high honors.
The Diet Coke/Pepsi thing is hard for me today, too. A nice, cold 20-oz.er sure would taste good about now. (I admit to taking an Excedrin often, more for energy than for headaches, but, yeah. It's still caffeine but it's not a drink. I'm sticking with the letter of the law on this one.)
How about we say to send in your checks postmarked no later than March 1, just so we have a deadline to shoot for. I'll post this in the body of my "You Are SUCH a Loser" post, too.
Let me know if James wants to play so I can pick a pretty color for his name when I put it on the list.
Would 'James' look pretty in pink?
As for my seeing your weight, your secret will be perfectly safe with me. Number 1: because I am a really good secret keeper. Number 2: I'll forget it anyway.
Megara - Yea, B-Hal's joining up! Welcome, man.
Also, I'm definitely Mrs. Howell. But there WAS a time when I identified more with Maryanne. Never was a Ginger though. Except for maybe the lip gloss.
Jana - Yup. Me 'n George. One of my college professors actually called me George all semester. I don't think he ever knew my real name.
Thanks for the good wishes. The Professor is going to cook me dinner on Friday night.
I want to join in on this!! Point sheet for me!
And Manda is IN! Yay, Amanda!
P.S. Amanda, are you sure you wanna hang with all us losers?
I'm in, and watch out! Jaime can chart my weight along with hers. I'll eat as much as I can this weekend in preparation!
hey banana, if it makes you feel better, my friend's trainer made her post all her stats on facebook. now that's embarassing!
i'm still in. and really glad you decided to start on the 23rd. i'm enjoying my last weekend with unleaded soda. next week's gonna bite.
and mom, i've gained at least 15lbs since moving to dc. and it DOES show. blech. now where are my m&ms???
Kevin - Great strategy! In fact, I did the same thing myself and chowed down on some wicked good desserts (yes, plural--they were provided to the faculty at my school by a caterer), so that must mean you and I are related. Wait, what did you say? We ARE related? By marriage, you say? ALL RIGHT!
You've made the list.
Annie - I hope you've found your M&Ms by now and are enjoying them.
To be honest, I've gone foraging a few times in the past two weeks looking for something yummy at home, but someone there ate all the chocolate chips.
The Baker's semisweet squares are all gone, too.
And there's no more ice cream in the freezer.
When this happens, a forager has no choice but to lick her wounds and take up knitting.
Licking wounds does not cause weight gain.
Neither does knitting.
James says he's in! I still need to ask mom and dad. I don't think James will mind if you wrote his name in pink. He won't even know. He doesn't blog much. :)
Going on 3 days no soda! I know we haven't started yet, but I think I need a head start.
So were you saying that if I take and excedrin for my headache, I still have to count that as taking caffeine in for the day? That stinks. I just get a whole bunch of headaches for days in a row and then they leave for a while, but they'll be back. I'm actually going to the dr on monday to finally see about getting some rx for them. Shawn or you have any suggestions. Mom said topamax.
We bought our treadmill last night, and it should be in on the 28th for us to pick up!!!
Hey, also, one last little tiny thing. What if someone, say Jamie, or Megan, or I don't know, myself happened to maybe sorta start to become uhhhhh with ummmm
you know c.h.i.l.d. ???? without you know, wanting to really announce it to everyone (too late for that). Then what? You know whoever that person may be, they probably aren't going to lose any weight. It's JUST A THOUGHT people!!
Yay for James! Everyone who can extend a hand of fellowship to him, show by the raise of the right hand.
The voting has been unanimous. James, you shall henceforth be known on the records of this blog as James in Pink.
JanaBrookes: Congratulations on 3 days with no soda!! Yay! A two-handed roof raise to ya.
Go ahead and take Excedrin as needed for headaches. The rules say no caffeine DRINKS. I know that's a bit of a cop out, but the benefits of giving up sodas with the carbonation and all are worth it, even if you do have to take caffeine for headaches.
About those headaches, ask my Daughter Number Uno what she takes. I can't remember, but she saw a neurologist several years ago because hers got so bad. The greater Stimpson family just seems to be a family with headaches. I think it's because we're so brilliant. And talented.
And woohoo for the new treadmill. You're on your way, sista!
Hmmm. About weight gain caused by a parasitic entity in utero (How do you spell 'in utero', Jaime Escalante?), that would be very exciting news indeed. The parasite, I mean. The weight gain? Not so much.
But because it comes with the territory, we must certainly take it under advisement.
It is now under advisement.
Somebody help me figure out what to do with a person's (specifically, a WOMAN's)$20 if, she's already paid and she...you know.
You could still do everything else in the contest for points, though, and give yourself a healthier lifestyle.
I was thinking about still just going off points, if that one thing were to hypothetically happen to ummm, say, anyone. Aren't you so glad I think of these things for other people, just in case?! I'm so nice huh?
And what does happen to the said $20, if one doesn't meet their own weight loss goal? Does it go to the biggest loser? It's fine if it does, I was just wondering!
What is the best way to figure out a reasonable weight loss goal. Is it just a random number, or is there some website that helps you figure out a good target goal? Just curious.
W.V. inging-- pig latin for gingin?
okay that wasn't very good, anyone else have a better one?
Jana - As far as setting a realistic weight-loss goal, according to what I've heard and read, 1 to 1.5 pounds per week is the slow but more steady way to take it off and, because doing that usually means just altering your eating habits (regular meals but smaller portions, less fat, lower cholesterol foods, few to no sweets, lots of water rather than fruit drinks and sodas), the weight tends to stay off more permanently as opposed to diets that take it off quickly but don't keep it off.
So, what do we have, a little over 12 weeks before the reunion/wedding? You could just say 15 pounds, or 10, even, if you don't feel as confident. That way you at least get your $20 back and you've lost 15 pounds (or 10, it's up to you), and even that much, I think, is enough to make a girl feel pretty good about her efforts! I have to admit, I'm quite surprised by my first two weeks' success. It seriously has motivated me to keep it up.
P.S. Yes, the only way to lose your $20 is to not make your weight-loss goal. And if we all make our goal, the biggest loser won't get very much cash. But he/she will have lost a bunch of weight so that, in itself, is a win. Everybody loses and everybody wins!
Is someone pregnant? And if so, could it be me please because I already look like it.
Shawn: LOL. Me, too! When are YOU due?
To everyone playing the Biggest Loser: I emailed the point sheets to you Friday night. Let me know if you didn't get them.
Also, remember to send me your beginning weight and weight loss goal.
Besides brilliant and talented, we're all gonna be sooooo healthy!
Last minute entry!!!!!!!!!! Princess Consuela and Banana Hammock want in too. Yall are going down!!!!! You are looking at the next BIGGEST LOSERS! Oh this is Autumn and Tanner just in case.
Oh great! We got princess consuela and banana hammock in now. Even more skinny competition!! Oh well. Welcome to it!
Shawn, no one is pregnant. Just some hypothetical questions that were thrown out there for everyone's sake.
Sounds good Neesh. Thanks for the tips!
w.v. suber--hope you have a suber day today Neesh!!
Jana - Thanks for the b-day wishes and especially the song. I heard it loud and clear! Did you hear me clapping when it was over? (Not clapping BECAUSE it was over, just clapping because that's what one does at the end of a great performance.)
Princess C. and B. Hammock, you are officially IN. I'll get your names on the roster and send your point sheets enmediatamente.
Neesh, could you send me another point sheet too? I lost mine or accidentally deleted it or something.
And by the way, I'm about 7 months pregnant.
i have not read all the comments yet, so i might be asking a dumb question, but...how important is the point sheet? i don't really do well with structure of any kind (except the kind you can make with mashed potatoes). can i just try to lose weight and have my final poundage count? i would love to be involved if it could mean i will henceforth be known as a loser for losing things other than what i actually want to keep.
Hi, Krista! How fun is it to have you join the craziness? (Thought for a moment there you'd gone sane on us.)
The point sheet is just part of the two contests in one: the points and the weight loss.
For me, the point sheet is a good guide to being healthier and it's pretty easy to keep, sort of like a checklist on which you can tick off what you accomplished each day.
But if you just want to set a weight goal the point sheet isn't necessary. I'll send both to you just as a reference and you can do with them what you will. Some possibilities:
If you had a bird, you could line its cage with point sheets.
If Little needs art paper, she could use the backs of your point sheets.
If you need fire starters for your fireplace, point sheets would do the trick.
Their uses are endless.
They also feel fine about remaining in your computer, untouched.
Shawn - Your new point sheets are on their way!
Alright Princess C might be skinny but she is going to beat some booty with the points system. So bring it!
I'm -2 months pregnant! Surprise!
Serious Princess C???? Are you really!! I hope you know I was just being silly!!
If you really are 2 months pregnant CONGRATS!!! YEAH!!! So super exciting! I think there should have a post on your blog about it! I am sure that you are definitely going to kick my booty in points and weight loss. If you really are pregnant, you probably won't even close to my unpregnant weight at your full term, so no worries for you!!
should read
there should be a post on your blog about it
there should have a post on your blog about it
i tired people and like neesh, have much laundry to do :(
Whoa! Whoa! Hold the phone! Princess Consuela, you're WHAT? Really! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Nothing like embedding a little subliminal message in a blog comment, you sly dog. I'm so excited for you guys! I just talked to your mother-in-law an hour ago and she didn't say a thing about this!
Sherry Carpet - Email me your beginning weight and goal as soon as you get the chance. Or maybe you already did that. I'd better check my email. :>)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! to princess c and banana h! (ps if this is a joke i'm going to kick you in the shins. but nicely)
UPDATE 2/24/09 - Jaime Escalante has suggested a new category in which to compete: points only. Set a point goal and if you achieve it, you get 20 of your dollars back. She is already at her ideal body weight (I'm so jealous) and she probably will be trying to...well, you know (what JanaBrookes said), so she doesn't want to be losing any weight. I think Jaime may be the only one in this category, but it seems fair, don't you think? So, check the addition to the rules back in the body of the blog.
Also, let's say no changing horses midstream. What we've declared as of yesterday is the goal we'll be held to. Fair enough?
Thank you for your affirmative vote. You may proceed.
I can't find where I posted the rules right now, and it obviously isn't in the body of this very post. So the above comment will have to suffice.
Suffice it to say.
Again, the author was me. I published the same comment twice. And I never want to be accused of repeating myself.
On another note, did I ever tell you guys that I lost 6.75 pounds in two weeks?
Oh please look at my last comment about pregnancy, and what is in front of the 2. Do we have any mathematicians in this family? Love ya.
Princess C
Oh, darn. What a difference the little - can make! Have to say I didn't really see that. I guess we just see what we want to see, right? Okay, so you fooled a bunch of us on that one. So does that mean IN 2 MONTHS you will be?
Neesh I think 64oz is a ton of water. I feel like I'm gaining tons just because I'm trying to get in enough water for the day. I know that's the daily recomendation, but it sure seems like a lot. (Course when I was soda I was drinking, that was no biggie). How sad is that?!
And, the points/or weight loss goal seem fine to me. I think I will be better at earning points than losing weight, but I've already put in my goal, and I'll stick to it. It doesn't seem to unreasonable.
Don't know if I can get James to send in his beginning weight and all that. Maybe he's just going to be a points person?
Princess Consuela - I have just one thing to say: You're a great big teaser. I thought the minus in front of the 2 was just a typo or something. Heaven knows we have plenty of typos in these blogs. Everyone except me, I mean. HA!
Jana - 64 oz. of water seemed like a ton to me the first time I tried it, too, but then I measured the amount of water our regular kitchen cups hold and realized that I drink two of those before I leave for school in the morning,and that's 1/2 the total amount I need all day! Then I drink one for lunch and one for dinner and I'm done. But now I find I even need another sometime in the afternoon. The other thing that makes it easier for me is that I don't drink milk or juice at meals, only water. I get my calcium from other sources and eat fresh oranges and apples instead of the fruit juices with all the sugar in them.
That's just me, though. I haven't always done that, and I'd like to say that I will do it for the rest of my life, but I can't make them kinds o' promises.
P.S. everyone - Check out the blog. See any new names on there?
Yea for COY!! I told her about it yesterday. So I guess she emailed you and asked about it?
I talked to James and he says he's probably going to do just weight only. He says our scale isn't accurate (which I think it's fine-it's the one I'm using) but he said he'd weigh himself at work today and call me with that.
I usually just drink bottled water, cause we don't have a water softener, and I just like the taste better. So I figured it's about 4 of the 16.9 oz size bottles. I guess I'm just not a thirsty person. I feel like I have to work at drinking, but I just need to get started earlier in the day then lunch time. I have tried to stop drinking fruit juices as well, and only drink water, but I gotta break down somewhere, sometimes!! I'm only human! :) Since I'm not doing soda anymore, I'll justify a juice every now and again, even though they are full of sugar, like you said.
Trying to get James weight to ya today! Was there someone else new besides COY, that I didn't notice.
Funny about Princess C pulling a fast one over on all of us huh?!
Jana - No other names besides your mom's. Did you get me email about Seussical: the Musical?
I'll pass this on to my dad! Can you e-mail me the point sheet too? jenicaparcell@gmail.com
Sure, Jenica! Thanks. The point sheet is on its way.
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