Saturday, November 8, 2008


It would seem that someone creating a blog would do so with the notion that they have something to say to the world or want to leave behind their thoughts and ideas, as in a journal. Not me. I'm just experimenting. With a new medium. Well, new to me, that is. While I do the laundry. I'm sure I'll never be able to keep this up. I can't even finish the laundry.


Nicea said...

Let me be the first to comment on your blog, Nicea. I was wondering when you might join the merriment. What took you so long? Looking forward to many witty and enlightening posts in the future.

Nicea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicea said...

The above author was me. I made a typo. Next I will attempt to post some pictures. First I will learn to take them. On my camera.

Nicea said...

This is turning out to be quite a popular blog. Look, four comments already!

Nicea said...

But first I will take a detour to the blogs of all my children, my nieces and nephews, and my sister. Surely if they knew I had a blog they would be eager to visit.

Nicea said...

P.S. I'll be right back, in case anybody asks.

Shawn said...

I am laughing aloud. Welcome to bloggerville! I'm so jealous that you're so popular.

My word verification is unbathi. I promise you I am not unbathied today. Well, technically I am cuz I took a shower not a bathi.

Shawn said...

There is now a link to your blog on my blog. Oh, you're gonna have fun now!

Lola said...

woooooooooo hoooooooooooooo! and a very merry welcome to ya.

Lola said...

...laundry is overrated

Nicea said...

There, I've just visited all of your blogs and issued you a...wait! Some of you have already visited and I just barely got back home from delivering all those invitations in sub-degree weather. Oh, you shouldn't have. Really. It's nothing. You what? Oh, my honies. You're such charmers. Love you, too.

Nicea said...

Blast that dryer!

Nicea said...

I'm sorry. I didn't really mean that. It just keeps beeping and beeping at me, as if I'm supposed to...I mean, I'm happy to have a dryer and all. Don't get me wrong. I just wish it would fold the dang clothes and put them away too. Is that too much to ask?

Nicea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicea said...

My bad again. In kinder terms, when the dryer isn't drying clothes, it just sits there doing nothing. You'd think it could make better use of its time.

Marc said...


abbyjane said...

oh my goodness.

Nicea said...

Marc - What an honor to have you visit!

Abby - What's that supposed to mean? And what are you doing up so late?

Nicea said...

If anyone hears anything from Fofee in the next little while, will you please tell him that I boycotted him tonight because he refused comments on his last post? And he didn't answer my email either.

Actually, I didn't think to put a comment on an earlier post of his. But really, would he have gone back and seen it? We'll never know. Fofee. I miss you.

Anybody--What's a Fofee?

Sherry Carpet said...

oh, it's a sosee.

question: neesh, when you play checkers, do you play both sides of the board? just wondering...

so glad you finally joined us in the bragosphere!

Lola said...


i sent super secret texts to fofee earlier today. he is alive and well, but alas, not allowing any comments on his current post for medical reasons. well, no, i made that up. did the washer just beep?....

B-Hal said...

Something just beeped.

Neesh, when the washer is just sitting there wasting time it is called "time perishable capacity." Yes, that is the sort of thing they are teaching us at BYU.

What you should do is put stuff on top of it. That way when it isn't washing at least it is still holding that stuff up.

That's what I would do. Also I think we should start a super secret blog society. Does anyone know any other extended family that are so good at blogging with each other? We could have t-shirts, and maybe make it the theme of our next reunion.

Hell, we could even start a reunion blog. Sorry Neesh, I am already testing the language boundaries on your blog.

This comment is now officially too long.

Security Word: Ferifyin (Is that like verifying?)

Nicea said...

Sherry - Oh, yeah. A sosee. How silly of me. And yes. I plead no contest. At checkers.

Lauren - Pesky beep! Shhhh. Let's beep Justin.

Oh, Brian. So much for me to think about. Hilarious! I am SO down with TPC if it means putting stuff on top of the dryer. And yes! Reunion blogging T-shirts. The lines are now open for slogan suggestions. Spread the word. Finally, you have so overstepped the swearing boundaries on this blog. If you can't say aych eeee double toothpicks, then don't say anything at all. (Damn, I hope I spelled that right.)

Nicea said...

And, Brian. If my daughters continue reading this blog, you're going to have to clean up your act.

Shawn said...

S.S.B.S.=super secret blog society

I love it, Brian! It has a bit of a gadianton ring to it.

Lola said...

brian is such a potty mouth.

12:16am pst...still up and haven't done a damn thing! giving it up for the night.


Man Child said...

My most humble and sincere apologies for my utterly regrettable use of such low verbiage. I shall, hence forth, refrain from the use if such base vulgarity and grace this page with only the highest form of civilized language.

In other news...

I will kick off the slogan contest and up the ante a little.

Slogan Suggestion 1:

*S.B.S.S. Prostering since 2006 (I think that is roughly when RD started Fofee.

Note that I did steal this slogan from Shawn and Lola Fallana, so if it wins, they should receive credit somewhere on the shirt. Like on the inside at the bottom, or below my name which should be in big bold letters on the front.

Second, I am really upping the ante here. I think we should have an induction ceremony for all the non-bloggers in the family. Sort of like when Nemo (Finding Nemo) becomes brother Shark Bait.

We usher them into a dimly lit room with the other innitiates, RD, SC, Shawn, and Neesh are chanting some compilation of nonsense security words up in the loft clad in Master Wizard Blogger Robes...

...I'm starting to get scared.

On a brighter note. COMPE!

Man Child said...

Does any one else have 28 comments on any of their posts?!!

Way to go Neesh, great premier!

I won't include the security word this time because is sounds kinda inappropriate.

Meg said...

Love it Neesh! I can never finish the dishes; maybe I should change our blog name?
Oh, and we will totally be there on the 23rd, with little bells on. No, really, we will wear bells to your house, be prepared.
And please excuse my husband's vulgar rhetoric; I don't understand where the hell he gets it from.
Yes! I have always wanted to be a part of a secret society! What about Dumbledore's Army? Hmm, already taken? Ok, what about Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters?

Shawn said...

What does prostering mean?

Shawn said...

And what about COMPE? Not fair to use other languages. Our secret society can't be THAT secret.

Now go get ready for church, all of you!

Princess Consuela and Banana Hammock said...

How's this for an idea...

Keep track of the funniest verification words and put the top 5 or so on the shirt. Very secretive and inside joke-ish if you ask me.


B-Hal said...

Shawn, I don't speak any other languages. Heck, I don't even speak English very well. Those words were verification words.

Ironically, verra is the word this time which is close to "vero" which means "true" in Italian. This is a clear sign that everything in this comment is true. (Well almost everything.)

Nicea said...

Thank you, one and all, for the lovely visits. And I'll ne-ver be lone-ly an-y more, because we're go-o-o-in' to the cha-pel and we're go-o-nna get ma-a-aried, goin' to the chapel of...Oh! I didn't realize you were still here. Ahem.

Megara: LOL. Oh, did I forget to mention the dishes in MY sink? What would you change your blog name to? Not Doin' the Dishes? Of course, maybe if you guys stopped drinkin' the koolaid you wouldn't have so many....You know. Just a hunch.

b-hal-you're forgiven for your language lapse. Truth be told, last night was not my best moment, either. Now. Because you have demonstrated such admirable humility, you are hereby appointed Wizard of the Reunion T-shirt Slogan (hereinafter referred to as WORTS). And I shall be the next to add a security word to the list of nominees: rewhotti. (In all honesty that was my word on Shawn's blog when I responded to the obviously computer-morphed photo she put on there of me. Think of the REAL me and repeat that word three times, emphasizing the last two syllables. There. That should make things right. SHAWN.)

Tanner - I think that since you came up with the idea of choosing the 5 best word verifications that you should work with b-hal as a co-chairman. That would make you CO-WORTS. Get it? Like cohorts? HA!Dang I'm good.

Nicea said...

So....does anyone else think Annie and Abby are embarrassed of me?

Shawn said...

Come on, Annie and Ab. She gave you birth. Remember that.

Jamie said...

So what if they are? They're losers. Jk.

I would like to put a plug in for my t-shirt design skills: I once drew a design for a t-shirt that was being used for a 10K run in Napa. The four local high schools were invited to compete. The artist with the winning design won a prize of $750. And the winner was.... You guessed it: ME!

Shamelessly bragging on the bragosphere (SC).

Also, my best friend and I designed the girls camp t-shirts one year, beating out about 7 other designs from the stake.

All I'm saying is, once we have a decision on the content of the t-shirt design, I can bring it to fruition. That is, if you will sustain me. Or elect me. Or just not stop me if I go rogue.

By the way, I'm so glad to have my "Text-Twist-Sista-4-eva" now on the blog stage. You rock.

(eablea) Spanish for "able".

Nicea said...

Yea for Text Twist, sista! No, YOU rock! What are you up to now, 400,000?

And now we would like to sustain Jamie as the T-shirt artist. All in favor? Thank you, brothers and sisters. The voting has been unanimous.

Lola said...


i don't think you even need to post ever again. we'll all just use this one as the family forum.

but post again, for reals.
do it. now, is said!

i'm so bossy, i'm not sure, but i think that comes from sherry.

p.s. i will hearafter be known as Lola Fallana, c/o b-hal.

oh, and i think the tanner/auatmn idea is great. unflumlo.

Sherry Carpet said...

i can't believe you have 40 comments on a post about laundry. so unfair.


B-Hal said...

I like the idea of using the security words. I like the idea of working on something with Tanner who lives far far away. I like the idea of our own international award-winning superstar t-shirt designer Jaime designing the shirt, and I like the idea of everyone being involved.

Tanner - I was thinking, what if we start a post for fambly to submit security words they have used in a silly sentence.

Then we put the top five quotes (after a fambly vote) on the back of the t-shirt, and maybe SSBS on the front.


annie said...

mom i'm SO GLAD you jumped on this lovely bandwagon. and look - 41 comments! 42 with this one. oh you so popular. pop-u-u-laaaar! (that's from wicked...) marc and i were going to start a facebook group to get you blogging. hooray!!!

annie said...

ok i just read most of the rest of the comments. no, mother, i am NOT embarrassed of you...yet. i went dark as of saturday night and have just returned from a super secret mission involving breakfast for dinner and the telly.

ok. when i asked what a fofee is, rd told me the same thing, sc. so what the hell is a sosee?

word verifcation coserb. my previous one was testy (or something like that...i already forgot)

Jamie said...

Oh goodie!

B-hal: I like the idea. This is coming along quite superbly. My creative juices are already flowing.

Lola: You are so bossy.

We have such a fun/funny family. I love us!

Please direct us all to the post about using verification words in a sentence, when applicable.

P.S. I want a cool blogging alter-ego... So I'm going to go with a nickname Loren made for me. Bonus points to anyone who can guess what movie it's from.


Jamie said...

Introducing my new name.

Another idea: Could we possibly do definitions of verification words rather than using them in a sentence? For example:

nogic: n, one who possesses the philisophic ideation that the only way to discover truth is through self-discovery in gypsy camps.

annie said...

how do you change your posting name? i wanna nickname, too!

ps, mom, to prove that i'm not embarassed, i posted the link to your blog on my gchat. my friend ashley thinks you're funny. (so do i).

bacceave - n, the sound made when one bacci ball strikes another

hmmm...i'm not very good at this game. but i'll play anyway!

Princess Consuela and Banana Hammock said...


Great idea. How will this work? Should we have on post to collect verification words and follow that up with a post to vote for your favorite? Or should we choose what we think are the top 10 or so from the verification word post and create a poll to decide the top 5? I think we should let both friends and family contribute. Thoughts???

achicel (ah-chee-sell): n, a chamber, usually cold, dark, and located in the basement, where children are sent to let out their sneezes.

Man Child said...

BAM! Great idea Jaime!

Recrusl: The new Tom Cruise movie, wherein, Cruise takes revenge on those that wronged him.

Man Child said...

Tanner, I think we should have a specific post about submissions on "Doin the Laundry" as long as that is OK with Auntie Neesh.

We allow submissions until a date specific, then we have a secret ballot vote on the top ten or so (either that we choose, or we create the Committee to Evaluate, and Select Alternative Security Word Definitions, or the CESASWD).

Then we pass those on to Escalante to fashion something FAAAABULOUS!!

Pracepic: n, You tell me!

richard dandelion said...


annie said...

i love it!

tanducep - n, a defect in which one is born with two biceps on one arm.

abbyjane said...

nonmu (NonMu) - The result of Washington Mutual's bankruptcy.

Welcome, Neesh.

Nicea said...

Jaime escalante--I know, I know, I know. Pick me! Jaime Escalante is the teacher in the movie Stand and Deliver.

Nicea said...

Sherry - Unfairness is so COUSSED. I agree.

Nicea said...

Lola - If you're so bossy then by extension Sherry is also. Nope. Not buyin' it. For either of you. BUT YES MA'AM,I WILL POST AGAIN SOON...SIR! What-e-ver Lo-la wants, Lo-la gets.

CO-WORTS - Fine. You can use my blog for submissions. I'll arrange a post to that effect post haste.

Jeff said...

That last comment from abby was actually from jeff. Jeff welcomes you, Neesh.

Nicea said...

Yea, Jeffy! But this prompts the question: Are you two suffering an identity crisis? Which one of you is which?

Jeff said...

with us, you'll never know!

difiner n, what you get for supper IF your spouse decides to cook.

Jeff said...

After I commented this popped up and it was too good to pass up:

ringut, n, the growth that occurs in the abdominal area once one is wed. As in once you get the "ring" you get the "gut."

Shawn said...

This one has to be used in a sentence because that's all I can think of:


What kind of storizat?

Nicea said...

I'm laughing ALOUD at ringut and storizat. Haaaaaaa! Too funny.

How about we do definition and/or sentence? After we close off the submissions we can decide the details. In the meantime feel free to use someone's defined word in a sentence or to write the definition from a sentence someone else submits if the inspiration strikes ya. I think this more thorough process will be better for our education because I said so. And I'm the teacher.

Lola said...

parypi: (par-yipee) what big grandma used to say when he made par after 18 holes.

Marc said...

62 comments and counting. Let it be said that Ms. Nicea Gedicks sure knows how to make an entrance.

miss kitti said...

Nicea! So glad I found you over here. I can't wait to see what happens. Already you're a huge success.

Who knew there were so many Nicea's out there?! How exciting.

Jamie said...

I would like to announce the winner of the bonus point: NICEA! You are correct, Jaime Escalante was the teacher in the movie Stand and Deliver. Your prize is: You get to taste my pecan pie at Thanksgiving. Good thing you were planning on coming anyway, huh? If you don't like pecan pie, I'll let you have some couscous salad. It's a yummy new side dish I recently made. You're sure to like at least one of those.

turiph (Tuhr-if): adj, Utahn's slang word for anything that is teriffic.

"These new whitening strips are turiph."

richard dandelion said...

Yes, Nicea gets the trivia, but does she have the ganas?

Also, Jaime Escalante is a real person.

annie said...

POLIO - n, oh wait that's a real word...

Jamie said...

Yeah! Based on a true story... one of my favorite movie genres.

By the way, "ganas"? Is that like huevos or cahones? Then you're right. Nicea doesn't have those. :)

reaarys: pl. n, things that are very scary

Nicea said...

You're right, Jaime E. I have absolutely no huevos or cahones. Sigh. But ganas! Oh jes, I hab dem.

RD - Yes, he's real. My ESL students love that he is. I use the movie in class every year.