Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friends and Family Days

Dear Friends and Family,

We're going through closets and all the stuff in them as we prepare rooms upstairs for paint and new carpet. Here's the latest discovery: 3 perfectly good vaporizers. We don't need three.

1.  We've had one here for years.

2.  The Professor bought another one when he was at Notre Dame.

3.  Sometime BN (before Notre Dame), he got up in the night here, unable to breathe, but couldn't find ours so he went to the store and bought another one. In the middle of the night!  (I can't really blame him for not waking me. I mean, which is easier? Going to the store or waking me to ask where the vaporizer is?  Do not answer that to my face, please.)

So, like I said, we don't need three. Anybody want/need one? If not, they'll go to DI.  Because we're on good terms with DI this month.


Next up:  Hammers, screwdrivers (one can never have too many Phillips head screwdrivers), gloves, flashlights and other multiple purchases*. Amazing what you can find when you clean. Here's the success story of the summer so far: I found my favorite umbrella.  The red one.  It was in the bottom of my white purse.... IN THE LINEN CLOSET in the upstairs hallway!!!  I should have known it would be there, right? Because most people store their handbags with the sheets and pillowcases.


*On the subject of purchases.  I'm pretty good at buying the occasional birthday/wedding/baby gift.  It's getting them into the hands of their rightful recipients that brings me down.  So, if your name is Megan or Brian, Jeff,  Max,  Rebecca (formerly Gilbert),  Melanie Elison**, or Annie (formerly Pinegar***) you might want to come over and pick up your gift.  It's taking up space. 
**Sorry Ab.  We'll make it up to her when you come in September. 
***Melanie - This plant's gonna die.  Get over here!


Meg said...

Haha! It's like a treasure hunt at your place! I wanna play too!

Nicea said...

@Megara: Yes, you too can play! Email me your address one more time, please. (That would be faster than my trying to find it in old emails. Thank you and have a great day.)

abbyjane said...

we need a humidifier!

Shawn said...

I need my own personal hammer and screwdriver so I don't have to try and locate Greg's every time I need one.

And, would you like to now come and clean my house for me?

Natalie said...

Whew! Clearly it is time to rest now and eat my new found favorite treat -which I, of course, will treat you to - Raspberry Bread Pudding. I'm ready when you are!!!

Nicea said...

Natalie: Name the date, time and place!