Sunday, January 31, 2010

She's a Woman Half My Age

January 31, 1980 at Kaiser-Permanente Hospital in Los Angeles.
Two months later, Nicea to Grandma Sue:  "She's such a good baby.  Is something wrong with her?
(Keep in mind that she followed her hyper older brother into this world.
So her mother was still trying to gain some perspective. 

And equalibrium.) 

Indeed, Annie was a good and nice little girl.
Who grew into a good and nice little teenager.



And a good and nice young woman after that.
This year and this year only, I'll be twice her age.
After that, the eternities move us closer together. 
I like it.
HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY, Annie Lizzy!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh, my word!

Jamie taught me this game before she got married.  Before she finished midwifery school.  Before she even went on her first date with Kevin.

So, while it's not exactly an ancient relic, you might say it's been around for awhile.

There are some days when I play it for a couple of hours straight.

Because it's a good escape for me, and arguably more productive than watching TV.  Besides, I've already seen all the CSI's, all the Criminal Minds and all the Law and Order SVU's.

And I'm not really into The Bachelor or Desperate Housewives.  Though I did take a little spin with The Real Housewives of Orange County and their counterparts in New York City and New Jersey.

But that was just a flirtation.  I'm over it now.

But I may never, ever be over this again!  It may be my one laurel, the one I'm going to rest on. 
Three oh one, oh five oh.
I took pictures because I didn't think you'd believe me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Forgot I Did This Post Last Week

I was looking through some photos from last winter. From 360 days ago, to be exact. Just shy of a whole year.

January 4, 2009 looks eerily the same as today*.

Pretty. But has anything changed?

I hope so.
I hope I'm a little smarter about some stuff.
I hope I'm a little wiser.
I hope I know how to love a little better, am a little more forgiving and a lot less judgmental.

I know I weigh 27 pounds less. Okay, 19. I put 8 back on since last June.

But the Oreos are all gone as is Ceri's fudge that Grandma sent. We all know the only way to dispose of that stuff is to eat it and I was dutiful. And now I'm a little less tempted.

BRING IT ON, 2010!
*Post actually written December 31, 2009.
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