Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You see, it has come to this...

The floor isn't vibrating any more. The house isn't shaking. I can hear the little sounds again like the clock ticking a mere twelve inches from my head. This can mean only one of two things: either the sound system on the downstairs TV has worn itself out of high decibel capabilities (not likely), or the second (of many) consecutive late night installments of The Annual Fred M. Gedicks Lord of the Rings Christmas Marathon Invitational* has come to an end. And not a minute too soon.

Reporting from our town at about three minutes before the hour of Christmas Day, all is calm, all is bright.

I will see to the stockings and....


Merry Christmas, everyone.

*Not to be confused with the Bi-Annual Fred M. Gedicks Lord of the Rings Reunion Marathon Invitational.


Jana Brookes said...

Merry Christmas! Glad you could catch some zzzz's after the madness of the movies. I can only imagine! Yikes.

Shawn said...

I seem to remember some of my kids getting in on that last Christmas. What a tradition!

abbyjane said...

my dad has absolute love for few things. LOTR is definitely near the top spot only missing the top spot on the mere complication that it is only fantasy and fiction. My mother is neither of those things as she will ALWAYS occupy number one.

Alas, I sure do miss those marathons. sigh.