Monday, January 5, 2009

What I might do if my husband weren't home

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annie said...

nice, ma! i miss that bench. and the house it's behind. and the people in that house.

suggestion...try putting your subject in the top third or bottom third of your frame (in this case, i would suggest the bottom third), instead of in the middle. and to capture snowflakes, see if your camera has an action setting (it often looks like a stick figure running)

love you

annie said...

ps. love the new pic! hot-cha-chaaa!

Nicea said...

Thank you! Any and all help and suggestions accepted gratefully here. Miss you, too.

How was NYC? Both times. I know what you could do: blog about it! Novel idea, I know.

Shawn said...

Wow! Gorgeous picture of you! See I told you you are way more prettier than me. I guess all the rain we got turned into snow before it got to you.

Shawn said...

You're Fredless now, aren't you? Want me to come stay for a few months? Maybe till Loren goes back on his mission?

Nicea said...

Shawn: Yes, please. We must be sisters because I almost commented on your last post words to this effect: "Get up here. Now!"

Meg said...

Nicea, I must say how totally beeeeautiful you look in your profile picture! I even sent the pic to my mom as an idea for her new hairstyle!

Nicea said...

Megara: Thank you! It's a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon.