Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why My Bra Has Dimples

Sometime during approximately the third week, perhaps even as specifically as the third day of the third week, of my participation in my school's Biggest Loser contest, I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. Yes, my pants weren't quite as snug. Yes, I was feeling a little more energetic without all the sugar in my system. Yes, I was pretty proud of myself for sticking to the program for this long. And yes, I had lost a few pounds. But to the naked eye none of this was even visible to anyone.

I said to myself, "This isn't even visible to anyone."

But, oh, did my heart sink when I changed into my p.j.s one night and noticed what WAS visible to the naked eye.


In the padding of my bra. What once was convex is now concave.

That's not the region I had in mind when I decided to shed some pounds. (Not that I really care.)

It's just that I don't think it's right.


Shawn said...

Love it! The last weight that shows and the first to go.

Jana Brookes said...

Darn, that does stink.